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Welcome to the CRE Fitness Test (CREFT)

CREFT is a digital risk assessment tool that assists nonprofit organizations in identifying and assessing vulnerability to risks. Currently in the beta stage, the tool — and its report — can also serve as the starting point for creating customized risk mitigation and organizational fitness plans.

As the Master User, you will need to complete CREFT and then invite at least two other people from your organization to complete it after you. When three people from your organization have taken CREFT you will receive a full report of your organization's risk profile. Your answers are anonymous and will only be used to inform your organization’s risk profile and in aggregate to shape a nonprofit sector risk profile.

In order to take CREFT, we ask that you pay a modest fee, acknowledge that the survey format and content are the exclusive intellectual property of CRE, and ask at least two of your colleagues to complete CREFT through this portal.